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Passionate work, happy life, unity, and greater achievements—the 2021 employee team-building activities of Shandong Kelesi Production Base concluded successfully

2021-04-22 00:00

In order to enrich the cultural life of employees and enhance communication, exchange and cooperation between departments and colleagues. Strengthen the company's cohesion, improve work efficiency and employee enthusiasm, and increase employees' sense of identification with the corporate family. On April 17, 2021, Shandong Kelesi Production Base organized a one-day team building activity.



The first stop of the event - Qingdao Laoshan Shilaoren Beach




The places that everyone yearns for most are, first, Lhasa and second, the seaside. The former is holy and sacred, while the latter is endless and vast.



The sea has a natural romantic plot, so team building activities are held at the seaside, which is conducive to everyone relaxing, just like Haizi's poem "Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming".




The beach game "Footsteps of Giants" aims to cultivate the spirit of unity and the ability to solve difficulties together among the team members, and train the team to establish unified instructions and achieve unanimous actions in a short time. It not only allows employees to deeply understand the impact of leadership on the collective, but also cultivates employees' awareness of command and obedience, allowing everyone to learn how to communicate well under conditional constraints.



The second stop of the event - Beijiushui, Laoshan, Qingdao



After feeling the vastness of the sea, next experience the majesty of the mountains. Laoshan Mountain is the highest peak on China's coastline and is known as the "No. 1 Mountain" on the sea. Beijiushui is located in the upper reaches of Baisha River in Laoshan, Shandong Province, embodying the natural features of "nine waters and eighteen pools".



Through the day's activities, everyone has a deeper understanding of themselves. We are a group. We all do things together. When we encounter difficulties, we all solve them together. Everyone has a different way of thinking. We pool everyone's wisdom and try our best to get things done. to better. We are always full of passion for team games, and everyone shows a positive mental outlook to deal with difficulties.
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